Saturday, December 3, 2011

Let's Not Pretend, Shall We?

I recently discovered the website Design*Sponge. Okay, Kathleen may have mentioned it once or twelve dozen times in the past two years. Look what good listening skills I have!

In my defense, a home decorating website is not entirely sensical in my world. My interior design style relies heavily on plastic dinosaurs, piles of books, and furniture I found in the bargain section of IKEA. Let's graciously call this style Benign Neglect.

Now, the past week has felt a bit like clinging to the roof of a high speed train as it wobbles over some fabulously tall suspension bridge in the Pacific Northwest. It had something to do with two publication deadlines while simultaneously teaching sixth graders about equivalent fractions, scientific inquiry, research papers, and the intricate composition that is US modern immigration policy.

In case you were wondering, this is what your desk might look like if you try to cram all of those things into the span of one week. I anticipate Grace Bonney of Design*Sponge will contact me any day now to feature my "dishelved elementary school teacher-chic."

In the meantime, I know you were also wondering what your tea kettle might look like if you were so busy/crazed/exhausted that you left it on the stove, boiling, while you slept.

Beautiful, right?
I think I'm starting to get this home decorating thing.

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