Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Once; Now

When I was twenty, my mother, Martha Hall, sold her first artist's book (Tattoo, above) to the Special Collections Library at Wellesley College. We met for lunch minutes after she left the library. I remember how she seemed to float, how she was glowing with joy. Mom, you're a real artist now, I said. Just like that, we were both holding the truth. It was her first moment as an Artist.

My mother died from breast cancer in 2003.

I miss her every day.

But she left behind her legacy: powerful, moving artist's books that keep her spirit vivid and alive. Martha Hall's books are housed in public and private collections across the country, including Smith College, Harvard University, The University of New England, and the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C.

Today I received word that an essay I wrote about teaching on the Navajo Reservation was accepted for publication in a new book. I spent my ensuing hours leaping through my house, literally twirling with happiness.

I wish with all my heart that my mother was here to share this moment.

But... I know what she would say.


  1. your mom would be so proud of you! <3

    keep on leaping and twirling...and writing. :)

  2. You are an artist just like you mother. She made pictures come alive and you make words come alive on paper. And, yes, she would be so proud of you!! Keep on writing...good things are happening!

    Love, Vicky

  3. Thank you, Vicky and Britta. I'd give you both hugs if either of you lived a little closer.
